Volunteer roles include
Participating in working groups for planning and delivery of events
Decorating spaces
Setting up and packing down of events
Selling or checking tickets at the door of events
Supervising gallery and exhibition spaces
Support workshop facilitators
Running licenced bars – Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate required
Preparing food and assisting with catering
Communications, marketing and promotion (inc website design & graphic design)
Handing out fliers, putting up posters, sharing on social media and in person at markets
Writing media releases
Documenting events including photography, testimonials and reviews
and classes
Throughout the planning and conduct of the festival and in all our fundraising efforts the Fringe relies on volunteers.


with fringe

Festival volunteer roles vary in length, time commitment and skills required. We can craft roles to fit your availability, interest and skills.
Volunteers are also required throughout the year to assist with significant fundraising and community events and to join working groups and sub-committees to pursue specific goals.
People interested in any of the volunteer roles at Fringe can register below.
Your responsibilities as a volunteer
To uphold the Fringe Code of Conduct
Carry out the duties listed in your volunteer position description
To familiarise yourself with Fringe policies including OH&S, Child Safety, Discrimination and Bullying, Privacy and Communication with Stakeholders
To be reliable when committing to roles. If you put your hand up to undertake a task it is your responsibility to attend to that task and report back on progress. If you are unable to do so, please inform the festival contact of potential delays or disruptions
Volunteers are legally bound to a duty of care towards all others in the workplace, to follow Workplace Health and Safety guidelines and to report any injuries or hazards noticed in the workplace
Respect the privacy of others
Be accountable
Give notice if your availability changes or you are leaving the organisation
Deal with complaints in the appropriate manner
Undertake training as requested
Ask for support when needed
Support other team members
Your rights as a volunteer
To work in a healthy and safe environment
To be engaged in accordance with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation
To be adequately covered by insurance
To be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses in accordance with Fringe policies
To be provided clear directions and accessible communication channels
To be allocated a Fringe contact person for support and guidance
For more details about Fringe and to get involved, download our Volunteer Handbook.